Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We had a great weekend. Even though it was rainy and kinda cold we decided to brave the weather and head out camping. As you can see it was a windy ride out to the camping spot but when we got there everything was calm.

Nothing like a gin and tonic when you are sitting by the fire. It was beautiful and wild. We enjoyed seeing a muskrat, beaver, and lots of water fowl. No other big game yet, but we are still looking.

We did find a house floating in the river. Oops.

Isa had a lot of fun and we all really enjoyed our time together. I am so glad that she likes to camp. She keeps asking when we can go again! Yes!

Here are some pictures that Isa took of us while we were camping. I guess this is how every mom and dad looks to a six year old. I love how she caught the sun behind Jeremy.


stream stompin' girl said...

How fun! glad to see the boat is floating

Karis said...

Cool! Sounds like a great trip. :) Glad Isa likes camping!! It'll be sweet when you can take her to Old Woman, my personal favorite spot in UNK. Hope you are well! :)